The route optimization algorithm we use is trusted by many enterprises around the world. The optimistic algorithm optimizes your routes based on factors such as time windows, vehicle capacities, etc.
Planning time reduced by
30 min/6 h
Fuel consumption reduced by
reduced mileage by
8 500/12 000
reduce inaccurate deliveries by
Analytics and reports
fuel cost optimization
Our powerful software efficiently manages your load and drivers, allowing you to streamline your fleet and save big on costs. With real-time delivery times and cost-saving analytics, you can make informed decisions and achieve maximum efficiency.
Cut your planning time in half with Optimistic. Our powerful solution streamlines your route planning process and saves you a staggering 60% of your time.
Optimize your delivery operations with Optimistic and reduce your total mileage by a staggering 30%. We use powerful alghoritms to streamline your routes and save you money on fuel costs, allowing you to boost your profits and achieve maximum efficiency.
Optimize your delivery operations with Optimistic and improve your on-time delivery rate by a remarkable 90%. Streamline your routes and provide real-time delivery times to ensure that your customers receive their deliveries on time, every time.
Optimize your delivery operations with Optimistic and reduce your fuelconsumption and CO2 emissions by a remarkable 30 %.
Our powerful software efficiently manages your load and drivers, allowing you to streamline your fleet and save big on costs. With real-time delivery times and cost-saving analytics, you can make informed decisions and achieve maximum efficiency.